Annual event showcases sporting world's commitment to clean competition.
UEFA has given its full support to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2022 Play True Day for Peace, which underlines the …
New study reveals why HIV remains in human tissue even after antiretroviral therapyDiscovery could open the door to new treatments that improve our immune system’s ability to eliminate the stubborn v…
Read moreThe month must move beyond symbolic gesture to include action, says U of A scholar.
Geoff McMaster
Michael A. Bucknor says observances like Black History Month will have the most value if they help s…
उपराष्ट्रपति ने लोगों से भारतीय हस्तशिल्प और हथकरघा उत्पादों को बढ़ावा देने और खरीदने का आग्रह कियाउपराष्ट्रपति, श्री एम वेंकैया नायडू ने आज लोगों, विशेषकर युवाओं से विदेशी वस्तुओं के बजाय भारतीय हस्…
Read moreFormer Nigeria star says competition can drive developmentAmuneke encourages calendar changes to have positive impact on African footballIncreasing global competitiveness is a key goal of the Presid…
Read moreभारतीय समुद्री विश्वविद्यालय ने समुद्री उद्योग में कुशल श्रमबल तैयार किया है जिसमें अपार रोजगार अवसर हैं: कुलपतिभारतीय समुद्री विश्वविद्यालय की कुलपति डॉ. मालिनी वी शंकर ने आज कहा कि वैसे तो वैश्विक …
Read moreMACOMB, IL – Freesia Walsh McKee has been named assistant director of the Western Illinois University Multicultural Center.
McKee was most recently a writer and researcher for ALUMinate, and from 2012…
U of A project aims to use AI to help patients with respiratory issuesNew wearable monitoring technology could get ahead of hospital admissions by predicting respiratory flare-ups.
By Ben Proulx
Abnormal cells that go on develop into oesophageal cancer – cancer that affects the tube connecting the mouth and stomach – start life as cells of the stomach, according to scientists at the Univers…
Read moreएमओएचयूए ने शहरी एसएचजी उत्पादों के लिए एक ब्रांड – ‘सोनचिरैया’ लॉन्च कियाआवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय में सचिव श्री दुर्गा शंकर मिश्रा ने शहरी स्वयं- सहायता समूह (एसएचजी) उत्पादों के विपणन के लिए ‘स…
Read moreMACOMB, IL – Heather Norman, underwriting and outreach coordinator for the Tri States Public Radio (TSPR) at Western Illinois University, has been named the general manager. Norman replaces Julie Mur…
Read moreA gift from Twitter will fund four scholarships in Machine Learning (ML) in the Department of Computer Science and Technology.The Twitter scholarships will support two PhD candidates in Computer Scie…
Read moreFive internationally-recognised researchers, including Cambridge’s Professor Zoubin Ghahramani, have been appointed as the first Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellows to conduct work on artifici…
Read moreरूमा देवी इंडियन आइडल शो के लेडीज़ स्पेशल एपिसोड में अतिथि
शनिवार को होगा शो का प्रसारण
सोनी टीवी के पॉपुलर शो इंडियन आइडल में महिलाओं के लिए आने वाले खास एपिसोड में राजस्थान की डाॅ रूमा देवी को
ekSleh chekfj;ksa dh iq[rk jksdFkke dh O;oLFkk djsa % lh,e,pvks MkW vt; pkS/kjhftyk LokLF; lfefr dh cSBd % foHkkxh; ;kstukvksa o dk;Zdzeksa dh gqbZ leh{kkdksfoM eSustesaV ds fy, fpfdRlk foHkkx ds vf/…
Read moreThe University of Alberta is offering three new continuing education programs to meet a fast-growing need for digital job skills, opening the door for people with little or no technological experienc…
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