Ambulance for tree

 Tree Ambulance', started seven years ago in Jaipur with the initiative of two people, is working to give

 breath to vulnerable trees. Today there are more than a hundred people in its team. These people have

 been continuously serving trees and plants without any desire for advertisements, appearances and public


Ambulance -for- tree

The two people initiative has become an inspiration to many today. A team of about 100 people known as

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 Team 10 was also inspired by them and is planting more than one lakh saplings in the city and taking care

 of about three lakh trees. For this work of serving the environment, these people have not even taken any

 financial help from the government.

Timber trader Sushil Aggarwal, founder of Tree Ambulance said that despite our team

 being a registered society, we have not taken any fund from the government. He along with

 his friend Gopal Varma started this campaign seven years ago.

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