increase of hostility within us toward Asian Americans. According to a replacement study, the arrival of
COVID-19 has brought with it a resurgence of hate crimes against Asian Americans.
The study explains that this is often not the primary time that an American public frightened by a
communicable disease has sought responsible immigrant minorities. During previous U.S. infections,
some people mentioned cholera because of the “Irish disease.” Some people blamed Jewish people
for the spread of consumption, or tuberculosis (TB), Irish and Jewish people for yellow fever, and
Italian immigrants for polio.
Stay informed with live updates on the present COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for
more advice on prevention and treatment. During the 1900 outbreak of plague in San Francisco,
Chinese residents in Chinatown were kept far away from everyone else. Many people today are
unaware that the “Spanish Flu” didn't originate with Spanish or in Spain. “The U.S.
“Moreover, racist attitudes are reinforced by institutional-level support, thus promoting a culture of
‘othering’ towards Asians in America, once more. COVID-19 may be a public health crisis, not a
racial matter. It doesn't discriminate along racial lines and nor should we.” According to the study, in late March 2020, the FBI, mindful of attempts to label COVID-19 because the “Chinese Flu” or the
“Kung Flu,” alerted enforcement agencies to be on
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