<The University of Southampton's continue to deliver an excellent student experience>



The University of Southampton's overall student satisfaction score has improved to 85 percent this year

in the 2020 National Student Survey. This improvement is a very strong showing as many universities

saw significant falls.

Students this year have also reported improved levels of satisfaction in response to 14 out of the 27

specific questions asked in the NSS, including those relating to Teaching, Academic Support, Learning

Resources, Learning Community, and Student Union.

Alex Neill, Vice-President (Education) at the University said:

“We’re very pleased to see a positive response by our students in the NSS in what has been a difficult

year.  This response reflects the huge efforts of all of our staff, who have overcome many challenges

during the course of the last few months to continue to deliver an excellent student experience here at

Southampton. I thank everyone for their work in supporting our students – and I’m also grateful to our

students who completed the survey and provided a wealth of feedback that we can now use to inform

our work in all areas of academic endeavor across the University.”

Over 311,000 final year students from UK Universities and colleges took part in the survey which ran

from 6 January to 30 April 2020. 73 percent of our University’s eligible students completed the survey

this year.


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