Smoking always give many diseases to human body you always think that smoking related to heart disease
and lungs disease but new research find that this smoking can also harmful to brain smoking
significantly increases risk of aneurysms in womens
The scans showed that 152 of the ladies had brain aneurysms that hadn't ruptured. Compared to
nonsmokers, the danger of aneurysm was fourfold higher in women who smoked, and 7 times higher in
those that smoked and had high vital sign
Most of the aneurysms were located within the arteria carotis , which is that the main vessel that results
in the brain.
One-third of the women with brain aneurysms had surgery or other invasive procedures, while two-thirds
were placed on monitoring, according to the study published online July 27 in the Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
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